The Astroneers Project

Applied Astronomy

Daytime LEO Satellite Monitoring

The Huntsman Telescope

The Huntsman Telescope is a robotic telephoto array, pioneering optical daytime photometry of stars and satellites to enhance space domain awareness capabilities in Australia.

What can we do during the day? Read our paper to find out more.

We’re working towards characterisation and identification of satellites in geostationary orbit and beyond.

Our efforts are focused into two key areas - hyper-spectral imaging on the 4m Anglo Australian Telescope, and multi-wavelength broadband observations on the Huntsman Telescope

Hyperspectral Satellite Classification

Geostationary Satellite Station Monitoring

My name is Sarah, and I’m an Astronomer searching for practical applications of Astronomy that can solve problems for people on Earth.

The Astroneers Project is my call to Astronomers to come together and realise their unique skills can be applied anywhere - we just have to think outside the box!

If you share this spark, or are interested in any of these projects, let’s chat!